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About Us

Giving voice to the voiceless

Hidden Voices Salone (HVSL) is a quarterly magazine with human interest and people-centred focus – it tells stories of people giving back to their communities, and of Sierra Leoneans or organisations that are empowering the powerless. We look for inspiring tales that motivate those that have lost all sense of hope as if there is no tomorrow. We seek to educate others on the values of being thy brother or sister's keeper. 


HVSL Magazine is not only limited to the above. Uniquely, the magazine also celebrates philanthropists, humanitarians and civil society activists that are helping in diverse ways to put a smile on the faces of the needy. We look out for unsung heroes and heroines providing a shoulder for one to lean on, and we tell such stories.


We are therefore thrilled to introduce to you and request your company as we start this journey of giving a voice to the unheard. Most times, political issues, the bizarre and often, the downright unnecessarily less important happenings dominate mainstream media at the disadvantage of equally significant empowering and inspirational stories. We are here to fill that void.


Our commitment is to you our readers, and our promise to you is that we will remain focused in our pursuit of being the voice for the voiceless. This also comes with the full assurance of untainted credibility and accessibility at all times. We are also on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


HVSL will engage with partners that support the less privileged through the stories we tell. We are passionate about issues affecting children particularly the girl child, and our youth. We are firmly in support of the "Stop Rape' campaign. We will use this platform to write, educate and condemn this nemesis, and all other forms of sexual violence. If you are an organisation that is at the forefront of the fight against such abuses, then you have found in us an ally. HVSL will promote your cause. As a change agent, we will provide the opportunity for businesses, organisations, and individuals to make a difference in the lives of the less privileged. 


While addressing critical social issues and giving a voice to the unheard, we will also promote tourism and investment opportunities through photos and exclusive stories. Promoting Sierra Leone is at the heart of this publication. Therefore, we will endeavour to support ‘Made in Sierra Leone' products and educate readers about the benefits of our goodies.


The Jamil and Nyanga Jaward Foundation is at the heart of HVSL's operations. It has helped the less privileged through its numerous interventions in and outside of Sierra Leone. It has also inspired individuals, groups, SMEs and big organisations to do something, no matter how little; to make a difference in the life of someone. They could not have been a perfect ally in this journey. In this same token, I entreat others to partner with the Foundation and the Magazine in our inspirational strides.  

Brian James


Our Vision

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To empower underrepresented populations to effectively tell their stories, and to engage individuals, groups or businesses in positive action to create change. 

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